Monday, January 19, 2009

A Smorgasbord of Events!

So it was recently brought to my attention that I have not posted on my blog in a long time. I apologize, I have been keeping myself busy reorganizing myself in my new location of Columbia, MO! My Parents bought a house here and so in the new house there was a room for me. So I decided for my semester off I would move home and add Missouri to the list of states I've lived in. Today I started my new job at a preschool and for this week I will be working in the infant room! It was a lot of fun despite being spit up on at least three times, and the babies were all really cute. The place seems really well organized and the people were friendly and nice.

So for updates... lots has happened recently. I had my last few days in Rexburg and Christmas with my roommates who I was very sad to leave.

All of our Stockings!

After bidding farewell to Rexburg I spent a few days in Utah before flying to Missouri. When I got home I spent my time Decorating and shopping for Christmas, filling out job applications, and moving into my new room.

The Decorated Living Room!

My New Room and New Bed!

Christmas Cookies!

For New Years my dad and I flew to Kentucky and spent time with my sister Katie and her family. They boys were so cute and David is really talking now. They are non-stop all the time and always entertaining!

David...2 1/2 Years old!

Stephan 4 1/2 Years old... with his glasses!

So I had a fun filled Holiday, still working on finding people to hang out with here in Columbia but so far it has been pretty good! I'll try and be better at posting more often!
A bientot!