Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Mother would Be Discusted!!

So every week in the apartment complex that I live in we have clean checks on Wednesday that have to be done by noon. This is usually a problem for a person who doesn't like to wake up for classes anyway, so waking up earlier to clean doesn't always make me the brightest morning star. So this week I had done some laundry on Tuesday and then had to a very busy rest of the day, so my clean clothes ended up piled on my bed. Then we went to a friends house for his birthday and didn't get back till late, and my roommate had already gone to sleep. So I decided to just sleep with my clothes on my bed rather than risk waking up my roommate since she had a 7:45 class. Well the next morning came and I slept through my alarm and so I had to do everything in a rush. Well my clothes just became a part of my bed making. Since I had to get all my cleaning done before I left for class, and I was assigned the kitchen this week, that took a lot of my time! My roommate was very amused by the mound of "blankets/ pillows" that were next to the wall on my bed when she got home and insisted I take a picture of it. Then I figured I would share it with all of you!
This is the clean check approved bed!

This is what I was hiding!

A Bientot!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween Party!!!

So things have slowed down some since midterms are over. Unfortunately the homework never comes to an end. Last weekend I actually had some time to do fun stuff, I was very grateful for that! On Friday we threw our semesterly dance party. It was a Halloween one! It was definitely the best one yet. We cleared out our living room (even the couches), and we decorated. It always takes a little while for parties to start going but once people started dancing we had dancing non-stop for over two hours, so we are calling it a success!

This is our apartment with part of the decorations!

My roommates and I all dressed up. I was a Rockford Peach from "A league of Their Own", my roommate Danielle was Olive Oil from "Popeye", my roommates Brynn and Tosha were Gangsters, and Amy and Ashley were mid-evil Princesses. This is all of us minus Brynn! My roommates are all a lot of fun and we had a blast putting this party together!

So we are all looking forward to real Halloween because we get to dress up all over again, and go to other peoples parties where we don't have to clean up after!
And if you have any Ideas for a good theme for a winter semester dance party let me know!
A Bientot!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


So life is pretty normal right now... a lot of classes, homework, work,and playing.(Probably too good at the last one!) Last weekend I went to the Haunted Mill with my two of my roommates and some other friends. It was a blast, and I really didn't get too scared. I don't get scared if the people walk up to me... but I startle pretty easy so if they catch me off guard then I'll get scared. so they got me a few times but for the most part it was the anticipation of being scared that kept me nervous!

Recently I've also seen a lot of movies for the first time, and there have been some really good ones, Iron Man, Transformers and The Three Amigos. Both Iron Man and Transformers were watched at my FHE Brothers house... one of them has a 52" TV with a blue ray player! It is like our own private theater. AMAZING!! It has also become a weekly tradition to watch the office over there so that makes it all the better! The three amigos was watched at my roommates brothers house and we watched it projected on their wall, so it was a big screen experience too!!

Next week is midterms and so my weekend is going to be very busy with writing and reading. Only on of my classes gives real tests so the rest are all requiring papers so I will be writing non-stop this weekend and next week... unfortunately it is my academic downfall... so wish me luck! Sorry I don't have any pictures to go along with my activities I need to be better at taking pictures. I need to get back to writing real papers!
A Bientot!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Conference and Jewelry

Hey! So it has been a while, school has been pretty crazy around here, but this weekend I got to take a break and go down to Utah. I stayed with at my Aunt and Uncles house. It was so good to get out of Rexburg, especially since I stayed here most of the break. A lot has happened recently and I was so grateful for the chance to get away. I got down to Provo on Friday night, Saturday we watched Conference which was amazing! Then in the evening we had our "Lady's Night" while the guys went to the priesthood session. It was My Aunt Cheryl, My cousin Breanna, and my Cousin-in-law Laura and I(haha I'm not sure if that is really what it is called but hey it works). We all went to Roberts and got some beads and such, then to Jamba Juice, and then to get Pizza Dough. We tried this amazing flavor pink starburst, (Breanna introduced us to it) it is a secret flavor so everyone should now try it!

By the time we got back it was almost time for the guys to get back so we waited and let Austin make the pizza. Which by the way absolutely delicious! (Kudos to Austin)

So we made some really fun stuff, and I made a necklace that I kind of copied from a display they had at Roberts. So here are the pictures of my jewelry!

And here is Laura and Cheryl working hard on their Jewelry!

As soon as I finish the pearl jewelry I will post those pictures!
So now I am back in Rexburg, and sad I didn't get to spend more time in Utah and see everyone! I am planning on coming down for Thanksgiving and I get the whole week off so I can spend time with everyone!!!
A Bientot!