Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hello February!

So now it is February, not sure when it snuck up on me but it is here none the less. From today there are 50 days until I enter the MTC. Yes I am counting down, and yes preparing and going on my mission is pretty much all I think about. I am getting really excited and a little nervous. Recently I have done some shopping, gotten some shots, read/studied preparing to go to the temple book, already been assigned to speak in church before I leave, and other odds and ends here and there.

Other than mission stuff I have been working at the preschool that I worked at before. I am so grateful that they let me work there again knowing I wouldn't be here for very long. They have been great to give me a many hours as possible. It has been so much fun working with kids again, also to see all my two year olds from my class before growing taller and talking a whole lot more. They look at me and think they know me but they can't remember why they know me. A few of them remember me though so it has been fun.

So a really cool coincidence at work is that a little by from my class last year started at the preschool without speaking any English. I spent a lot of time with him and trying to make him feel comfortable and safe in a new strange environment. So once he was at school he was attached to me for several weeks before he was really comfortable. I also talked with his parents a lot and well the cool part is that they are from ROMANIA! I was so excited when I remembered that. When I was working in my old classroom the other day his mom dropped him off and it was the first time I had seen her since being back and she got so excited when I told her how I was going to Romania. She has offered to help me and said that she will answer any questions I have. It is very comforting that the only Romanians I know just happen to be some of the nicest people I know.

I'm so excited for my opportunity to go on a mission and serve the Lord. I am really blessed to have so much support and encouragement from everyone around me! Thanks

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