Monday, October 6, 2008

Conference and Jewelry

Hey! So it has been a while, school has been pretty crazy around here, but this weekend I got to take a break and go down to Utah. I stayed with at my Aunt and Uncles house. It was so good to get out of Rexburg, especially since I stayed here most of the break. A lot has happened recently and I was so grateful for the chance to get away. I got down to Provo on Friday night, Saturday we watched Conference which was amazing! Then in the evening we had our "Lady's Night" while the guys went to the priesthood session. It was My Aunt Cheryl, My cousin Breanna, and my Cousin-in-law Laura and I(haha I'm not sure if that is really what it is called but hey it works). We all went to Roberts and got some beads and such, then to Jamba Juice, and then to get Pizza Dough. We tried this amazing flavor pink starburst, (Breanna introduced us to it) it is a secret flavor so everyone should now try it!

By the time we got back it was almost time for the guys to get back so we waited and let Austin make the pizza. Which by the way absolutely delicious! (Kudos to Austin)

So we made some really fun stuff, and I made a necklace that I kind of copied from a display they had at Roberts. So here are the pictures of my jewelry!

And here is Laura and Cheryl working hard on their Jewelry!

As soon as I finish the pearl jewelry I will post those pictures!
So now I am back in Rexburg, and sad I didn't get to spend more time in Utah and see everyone! I am planning on coming down for Thanksgiving and I get the whole week off so I can spend time with everyone!!!
A Bientot!


Scott Taylor said...

So, who's this "A. Bientot" that you have at the bottom of your blog?

We were "glad you came our way" (Hello!) for conference weekend. But I'm still not happy with that little incident with the digital camera and the XBox interaction. Maybe I'll be over it by Thanksgiving.

You're welcome any time ... just next time, bring your friend, A. Bientot!

cjt1959 said...

Amanda, great new fall background! We loved having you visit..we love to capture you whenever you are in Utah...sorry Jenny and LeAnn and Grandpa! We need to be better at sharing! We can't wait to see you in November! Let us know any ideas for fun things to do when you come. Best of luck in school etc. Cheryl

Jenna said...

Glad you had fun there! That still is pretty neat that you have been out west now for a while. I totally need to go to Gettysberg don't I!