Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Mother would Be Discusted!!

So every week in the apartment complex that I live in we have clean checks on Wednesday that have to be done by noon. This is usually a problem for a person who doesn't like to wake up for classes anyway, so waking up earlier to clean doesn't always make me the brightest morning star. So this week I had done some laundry on Tuesday and then had to a very busy rest of the day, so my clean clothes ended up piled on my bed. Then we went to a friends house for his birthday and didn't get back till late, and my roommate had already gone to sleep. So I decided to just sleep with my clothes on my bed rather than risk waking up my roommate since she had a 7:45 class. Well the next morning came and I slept through my alarm and so I had to do everything in a rush. Well my clothes just became a part of my bed making. Since I had to get all my cleaning done before I left for class, and I was assigned the kitchen this week, that took a lot of my time! My roommate was very amused by the mound of "blankets/ pillows" that were next to the wall on my bed when she got home and insisted I take a picture of it. Then I figured I would share it with all of you!
This is the clean check approved bed!

This is what I was hiding!

A Bientot!

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