Thursday, October 16, 2008


So life is pretty normal right now... a lot of classes, homework, work,and playing.(Probably too good at the last one!) Last weekend I went to the Haunted Mill with my two of my roommates and some other friends. It was a blast, and I really didn't get too scared. I don't get scared if the people walk up to me... but I startle pretty easy so if they catch me off guard then I'll get scared. so they got me a few times but for the most part it was the anticipation of being scared that kept me nervous!

Recently I've also seen a lot of movies for the first time, and there have been some really good ones, Iron Man, Transformers and The Three Amigos. Both Iron Man and Transformers were watched at my FHE Brothers house... one of them has a 52" TV with a blue ray player! It is like our own private theater. AMAZING!! It has also become a weekly tradition to watch the office over there so that makes it all the better! The three amigos was watched at my roommates brothers house and we watched it projected on their wall, so it was a big screen experience too!!

Next week is midterms and so my weekend is going to be very busy with writing and reading. Only on of my classes gives real tests so the rest are all requiring papers so I will be writing non-stop this weekend and next week... unfortunately it is my academic downfall... so wish me luck! Sorry I don't have any pictures to go along with my activities I need to be better at taking pictures. I need to get back to writing real papers!
A Bientot!

1 comment:

cjt1959 said...

Good luck!! Those were the days...long time ago!! Think we would like Ironman? You'll have to help us find some good ones over T-giving! Love you! Cheryl